Monday, January 06, 2014

New year, new start.


因為懷念北美的生活,昨天難得去Costco,腦波很弱的買了muffin(加上又有特價,十分符合我的小氣原則),再泡上一杯純正加拿大產的Tim Hortons熱可可(雖然杯子是Starbucks),這就是我的北美早餐(點心?) 風格。


Decided to write something everyday from today in 2014, this is my new goal of life.

Yesterday I went to Costco, bought the muffins, and ate one with a cup of hot chocolate of Tim Hortons(it definitely was from Canada) as my breakfast today. This was my North America breakfast style. 

I really miss my life there.

And chocolate muffins were better than blueberries.

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